Getting actionable feedback from guests that Actually drives revenue.

A Guest Feedback Platform for Restaurants.

Discover the sentiments of both your on-site and off-site clients, swiftly resolve any problems, increase your 5-star reviews, and gain access to insightful data and retention tools with ease. With Review Plus, you have a digital solution.

Trusted By Thousands of Restaurants

Why Restaurants Love Review+

Feedback Was Broken… Until Now

The problem

With fragmented feedback it’s difficult for restaurants to sort out the signal from the noise, leaving operators in the dark on what to fix and how their guests truly feel.

Online reviews are outliers that don’t reflect the average experience. And as for long surveys – when’s the last time you took one?

Plus, wouldn’t it be easier if guests came to you first with any concerns before they went to the internet?

The solution

Review Plus gets you the right feedback and lets you know exactly what to do with it. Since Review Plus surveys are two questions and SMS-based, it’s the easiest platform for guests to give you feedback and 5-star reviews.

In two clicks, managers resolve issues privately and directly, recovering guests and converting them into raving fans.

On day one you’ll have your finger on the pulse of your brand, knowing exactly what to fix, who to re-train, and what stores to celebrate.

How It Works


Guest is prompted to give feedback

Get the feedback that’s representative of your average guest experience, not just outliers that make the most noise. With our 50+ integrations, QR codes for in-store guests, and other channels like automated phone systems, Review Plus consolidates all of your feedback in one place.


Guest takes 2-question survey

The first question is always the same: “How was your experience?” Short. Simple. To the point. We don’t lead the witness with 40 questions hoping we asked the right one.

If they give 5 stars, they’ll be asked to drive revenue for your locations by doing things like buy a gift card, leave a review, schedule a catering order, etc.

If they give 1-4 stars, they’ll be asked for more details and entered into a private conversation with management.

All guests are encouraged to leave an online review, regardless of how they felt.


Guests and managers connect in real-time

With the Review Plus app, accessible on both mobile and desktop, managers promptly receive feedback from dissatisfied guests or those with inquiries. Thanks to AI and templates rooted in industry best practices, your team can effortlessly respond with just two clicks.

Then the Magic Happens

Ask more questions

While the initial Review Plus survey consists of two questions, our Custom Questions tool lets you send customized follow-up surveys to help you dig deep and get specific data.

With Custom Questions, you can send multi-question surveys about whatever you’d like, such as LTO’s or specific menu items, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Monitor your brand

Review Plus’s reporting empowers you to gain insights at both macro and micro levels. Analyze your performance by location, time of day, or ordering method. Receive daily and weekly updates and customize your reports to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Know what to fix where

Review Plus synthesizes all of your private feedback and public online reviews. In a single view, open-ended feedback is bucketed into restaurant-specific categories.

With Review Plus, there’s no guessing about what’s going well and what needs improvement, so you can deliver a consistent guest experience.

Review+ Customers Have Seen

0 X +

More Feedback

0 % +

More Reviews

0 X +

More Saved Guests

Some of Our Case Studies


Find out how they used Review Plus to shock customers with their responsive feedback in only a few months.

Sticky’s Finger Joint

Learn more about their switch from long-form surveys to building long-lasting guest relationships with Review Plus.

Curry Up Now

Find out how their switch from long surveys made the lives of employees and guests better.

Collect feedback with tools you’re already using

Integrate with the 50+ most common POS, online ordering, loyalty, and other systems to reach a whole new audience and skyrocket your feedback volume.

Schedule Your Demo

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